About us
Awward Winnin
WHat is kanara?
You may be wondering what Kanara is and what it means. Kanara, firstly, is a consultancy firm with a multitude of services and solutions to any of your current, or future problems. Kanara has no direct definition but instead we connect it to a lifestyle of striving for perfection and excellence in everything you do.
This firm was founded by Lorenzo Plaath, a multi-faceted leader in the field of IT across many industries including mining, construction, and HVAC in which he not only stood out individually, but helped the respective enterprises grow to larger scales.
With over 25 years of specialized experience, we decided to apply these solutions into one unique enterprise. As time is inevitably progressing we have a plan in place allowing us to continuously innovate and create adaptable solutions to apply and elevate your business to the next level regardless of the size.
As we look ahead to the future, we remain steadfast in our mission to improve and grow as many companies as possible. We believe that through our goals and mission we continue to strive for perfection and excellence in everything we do.